Bootstrap – Ladda spinner UI effect
About a week ago I have released and open sourced a small experiment, originally created by @hakimel. It is a very cool spinner UI effect that creates a spinner inside of a button when you submit a form or when you need to show progress to the user.
You can play with the spinner effect below:
See the Pen yJlfA by Maksim Surguy (@msurguy) on CodePen
The source and usage information could be found in my Github repository here: https://github.com/msurguy/ladda-bootstrap
I am going to use this effect on my upcoming renovation of http://bootsnipp.com, here is a screenshot of how it will look like in action (click to see fullscreen):
Do you like this instantaneous feedback effect?
RT @msurguy: Blog post about Bootstrap – Ladda spinner UI effect http://t.co/cncUzAkdMV
[Javascript] Un effet de spinner dynamique à l’intérieur de boutons : http://t.co/ToZ9QcyzJB Assez réussi.