Build mobile apps faster with PhoneGap
Native mobile apps within hours, not weeks? How so, you say?
For example you need to built a company directory, a calculator, a webapp that uses GPS, camera or accelerator, just like a native app would do.
Yes, it is possible with PhoneGap, a native app living on your smartphone and running HTML, CSS and JS app you have in mind.
The framework to do that is here :
PhoneGap works with iOS, Android, WebOS, Windows Phone, Blackberry, Symbian and Bada.
Adobe named PhoneGap as technology of the year!
Here is a tutorial to get you started :
OR this one: http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/html-css-techniques/the-easiest-way-to-build-your-first-iphone-app/
And two more tutorials about real world apps built with PhoneGap:
Have you built something on PhoneGap? Share in the comments.
I tried out PhoneGap, but it was unreasonably slow to initially load a very basic local app. I’m planning on trying FeathersUI x Flash. In which case, performance and loading should be blazing fast because of the advantage your app would get from FeathersUI being a framework built on top of Stage3D, which is hardware accelerated. Worth looking into if you have any Flash background.
What JS files did you have included that it was so slow?
I’m a begginner, so, i hope to find very good solutions with phonegap, greetings.