Dynatac, a smart fishing accessory

Dynatac is a smart Fishing rod attachment that assists fishermen during fishing.

Description: During Spring 2018 quarter of MSTI program Maks and two other student developed a smart device that helps fishermen retain fish on the hook and alerts them when the fishing line is about to break.

Problem identified through user research: When it comes to fishing, sudden changes in fishing line tension can cause the fish to get off the hook or can result in a broken fishing line.

Solution: The three graduate students developed a miniature device that helps fishermen catch more fish and monitors status of the fishing line. The device mounts onto a fishing pole and can sense the tension in the fishing line. When fish is on the hook, the device can measure the change in tension and guide the fishermen to avoid rapid changes in tension by alerting the fishermen via light indicators and/or sound.

People: Besides Maks, there were 2 other people on the project: Industrial Designer, Mechanical Engineer.

Maks’ role: During this 2-month long project, Maks has worked with industrial designer and mechanical engineer. Maks was the technology lead and his work was spread across the following:

  • Sensor research and testing
  • Software engineering and embedded systems programming
  • Data visualization of sensor data
  • Choosing and testing electronic components
  • Circuit design
  • Breadboarding and soldering
  • Software that Maks used:

Software that Maks used during the project:

  • Arduino
  • PlatfromIO
  • KiCad
  • Python
  • Fusion360
  • Fritzing
  • Process

During the project, Maks lead the team from technology architecture and implementation perspective. He mentored the teammates and guided them through the basics of embedded systems programming, algorithms, sensor implementation and more. The work process that was followed during the project can be summarized as follows:

work process


Please take a look at the media gallery of this project:



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