Following my Rad Lines release, I wanted to take up another simple mathematical approach to build infinite number of SVGs: drawing streamlines (aka “flow lines”) of mathematical formulas.

You can see my new open source tool called “Flow Lines” here:

The tool’s features:

– Generate infinite number of designs without being a math wizard and tweak the designs to your liking
– Download your creations as SVG files
– Mark designs as favorites during each browser session (for now it does not persist on page refresh)
– Social sharing of exact results (really proud of this one since no data is stored on the server)


A while ago, I made a Codepen that allows anybody quickly make SVGs with formulas generated by a special “randomizer” inside the tool:

See the Pen
Mathematical art for plotters
by Maksim Surguy (@msurguy)
on CodePen.

Now that I have built up a flexible UI library in the Rad Lines tool, I wanted to use it as an interface for customization of various parameters of the flow lines generated with the tool.

During the process of building of the new tool, I had to build a couple of new universal components: color picker and “favorites panel”. Those new components can now be used in my other projects.

Every creation that you make can be shared with anybody else by sharing the URL from the browser. Here are some examples of creations with unique URLs, you should see exactly the same output as mine:


This project quickly gained traction on ProductHunt and became #2 product of the day:
Flow Lines - Mathematical art SVG creator with infinite variations | Product Hunt Embed

Enjoy and share with others!


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