Small Laravel 4 app – Missing Pet Flyer generator

I decided to test out some new composer packages using Laravel 4.

The first package that I wanted to test was Intervention Image Class located at

It allows you to operate with images and do many common operations on images such as :

  • Resizing
  • Cropping
  • Embedding other images
  • Writing text
  • Putting shapes and objects on the canvas
  • Saving images in different formats
So to put those features to test I have created a small application for pet owners. It is a missing pet poster maker. It allows you to quickly create a poster with a picture of your pet and some text that is usually put on such posters.

The application is at

It uses the above mentioned package for image processing and the following JS libraries :

The structure for an app like this could easily be used for all kinds of image generators. If you want the source I will make it public.


The source code has been published:

Enjoy and hopefully you will not need to use this app!

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  • Dejan May 30, 2013  

    Looking great.
    Is it possible to release the code for learning purposes?

    Thanks in advance and keep the good work up

  • Maks Surguy May 31, 2013  

    The source is now up on : Enjoy!

  • Erdal Demir August 10, 2013  

    Thank you for great tutorial!
    How we can validate post data on controller side? Do we need Blueimp’s UploadHandler.php?

  • Murtaza A October 4, 2013  

    Great Job for beginners , those are looking for sample app !!!

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