Bootstrap Button Generator
Last week I have made a nice addition to my Bootstrap Snippets site – Bootsnipp.comĀ . I have built and integrated a button builder that makes it easy for anyone to build up their Bootstrap Buttons.
How easy you say? Well you just click on the color of the button, type in the text, choose the size and the icon, and you’re all set! Here’s a screenshot of it in action:
You can see the preview of your work immediately and you can copy the button code and use it in your Bootstrap projects.
The button builder was built with Backbone.js using one model and many views that all operate on that model.
Check out the button builder at
Cool service!
Some improvements i suggest:
A icon to choose “No icon” to remove one already choosen. Now it’s only possible to get rid of the icon if you use the search field and write something that doesn’t match any icon. (Still leaves the code for the icon in the snippet as )
Yes that will be implemented ASAP =) thanks for the feedback!