Not so long ago I have posted a very detailed tutorial on how to use “Login with Facebook” with your Laravel application. After I published that tutorial I have found an extraordinary oAuth2 package that makes it a lot more consistent and easy to integrate social providers into any Composer-based PHP application. Since then I have […]
About a week ago I have released and open sourced a small experiment, originally created by @hakimel. It is a very cool spinner UI effect that creates a spinner inside of a button when you submit a form or when you need to show progress to the user. You can play with the spinner effect […]
In this short post I will explain how you can get the basic Stripe checkout to work inside of Laravel 4 application. Stripe allows you to take credit card payments painlessly and integration cannot be simpler than this. I have previously posted on Stripe integration into Laravel 3 application, to understand more how Stripe payments […]