In this short post I will show you how you can send emails with Laravel 4 using the built in mail function of PHP. I don’t want to use any other email transport at this point and just plain PHP mail function can be utilized for sending emails. It is super easy to send mail […]
Hey Laravel users! Laravel version 4 has been released this Tuesday! I feel you cheering and smiling because this means a big leap forward for PHP developers. There were over 570 users in IRC (hashtag laravel) when it was released and I was one of them! Also, my face is on the top row of […]
Over last week I have been building a few of my own products and one of them is called It is a super simple and quick file sharing application but the key difference between other services is that files expire at a certain period of time instead of being stored forever. Some of the […]
I decided to test out some new composer packages using Laravel 4. The first package that I wanted to test was Intervention Image Class located at It allows you to operate with images and do many common operations on images such as : Resizing Cropping Embedding other images Writing text Putting shapes and objects on […]
In this post I will try to explain what is a Cron job and show how to use them in Laravel v3 and v4. Let’s start with the basics. A Cron job is basically a command that is scheduled to execute at some period of time or at a very specific time. What command? Well, […]
This is a super short post about uploading files with Laravel 4. I have struggled a few minutes trying to convert this from L3 format to L4 and to save somebody time decided to post this short PHP script. This script can work with multi file uploads that I have documented in my previous blog […]
A couple days ago I had to give a small presentation on AngularJS framework at my job. In this post I will document my initial impressions of structure of AngularJS applications VS BackboneJS applications that I am used to build. What is AngularJS? It is a javascript framework that is meant to be used for […]
For one of my projects I needed to get an ID of the previous and next record in the DB. Let’s say we are logged in as an admin and we are on this user’s page and we want to see next/previous user’s id. The following Eloquent code makes it easy to do that: // […]
Update! I have posted a tutorial for Laravel 4 as well, please check it after reading this post: Hello there, Laravel developers! In this blog post I’ll describe in detail how you can integrate payment system into your Laravel 3 applications and charge people some real money! Specifically I’ll describe how to use Stripe. […]
In this post, I will review a nice multimeter by TENMA, model 72-7735. This is an advanced autoranging multimeter(!) that lets you measure the following electrical properties: AC voltage 0V to 1000 V DC voltage 0 V to 750 V Resistance 0 Ohm – 40 MOhm Capacitance 0 nf to 100 uF Frequency 0 Hz […]
In one of the applications I’m building I needed to get user’s location (city) from their IP address. One of the ways to go about this is to use some webservice that will convert the IP into geographical coordinates and then pass the result into your application. Another way is to use geoip extension for […]
Last week I have made a nice addition to my Bootstrap Snippets site – . I have built and integrated a button builder that makes it easy for anyone to build up their Bootstrap Buttons. How easy you say? Well you just click on the color of the button, type in the text, choose the […]