Getting Laravel up and running on Local or Cloud service
A Series of tutorials / screencasts I created and posted on my Udemy Laravel course explaining how to get Laravel up and running on local or cloud services.
Check it out below and sign up for my course !
Getting Laravel up and running on Pagodabox (cloud):
Laravel framework overview and tutorials
Getting Laravel up and running on WAMP local server (Windows):
Getting Laravel up and running on MAMP local server (Mac OS):
Related content :
Laravel framework overview and tutorials
Build mobile apps faster with PhoneGap – Maxoffsky |
Bootstrap 2.0 web framework – Maxoffsky |
RT @msurguy: (Screencasts) Getting @Laravelphp up and running on #pagodabox http://t.co/d668ui3q #laravel Nice break dancing 🙂
RT @PagodaBox: RT @msurguy: (Screencasts) Getting @Laravelphp up and running on #pagodabox http://t.co/d668ui3q #laravel Nice break dancing 🙂
I created a Pagodabox Quickstart including some bundles to speed up the setting up process.
It currently supports OTB:
– Memcached
– SQLITE3 / Or after uncommenting one line on the boxfile and changing the default driver to mysql Mysql is supported too
– Bootrstapper
– Bob
– Date for easily managing dates
The images are not displayed.
If you want to host Laravel on LEMP cloud, then the best way to do it is using a managed hosting platform, like Cloudways, that allow one click installation on cloud. Apart from that, you don’t have to manually configure web server and caching as all of these are already configured.