Releasing my first e-book, Integrating Front end Components with Web Applications

Over the past few months I have been working on two books, one is about development with Laravel framework and one about integrating modern front end components and libraries into web applications. Today I am happy to announce that one of the books (the latter one) is scheduled for official release on Leanpub on Friday, July 11!

The book has been in process for the past 4 months and each chapter was available as it was being written. The release of the book signifies its completion. All updates and additions to the book will continue to be delivered to the book’s readers free of charge.

With 10 chapters spanning over 200 pages, this e-book is a great resource for a web developer of any expertise level. Complete with dozens of diagrams and source code for each example, the book will teach you about the following concepts:

  • Using Bootstrap framework and free skins from Bootswatch, this chapter is available for free here on this blog
  • Using spinners for feedback
  • Building AJAX contact form (see this page for a demo)
  • Building AJAX registration and login forms with inline validation, spinner and redirect (see this page for a demo)
  • Integrating tagging and autocomplete (smart search) – see this page for a demo
  • Integrating date pickers (see this page for a demo) – chapter is available for free on Leanpub
  • Integrating AJAX file uploaders, from basic single file uploader, avatar crop and upload to advanced multi image uploader
  • Using gulp.js as a build system for front end optimization

The front end components discussed in the book were carefully chosen, tested and represent the best available solution in their respective categories. Responsiveness, cross-browser compatibility, ease of integration and customization were taken into consideration for each library presented in the book. You will make the users of your applications happier by using the knowledge you gain from this book. All examples in the book come with server-side code listings and working applications built with Laravel framework. The source code for each chapter is available on Github. Check out some of the pages from the book below:

What others say about the book


Ben Edmunds

Ben Edmunds

I have been doing a large amount for frontend work for years now and I even learned several things from this book. I especially liked that Maks made no assumptions as to the existing knowledge of the reader. Junior all the way through Senior developers will find something for them in this material.

Christopher Pitt

Christopher Pitt

I would buy @msurguy's latest book today ( ) but I already bought it ages ago. Cause it's badass!

Kennedy (@otisson)

Work well done in this book Never enjoyed front end dev but that will change soon. Thanks @msurguy

Ionut Tanasa

I have been learning about some cool Front End components from this book by @msurguy.

Lee Stables

Time to implement some Ajax fun into my app with thanks to @msurguy - go buy his book.

Sendoa Portuondo

I have learned a great deal about date pickers/tagging/Bootstrap from this book:

GJ (@gj1118)

Reading the new chapters of this book and feeling blessed.. A very good purchase indeed!

Want to learn more about the book? Please head over to a more detailed page at:

The book became #1 bestseller on Leanpub and featured book on the marketplace within a week after launch.

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  • Sathit Chaiwiwattrakul July 19, 2014  

    Hi Maks, How about your Laravel book? As I check on manning site, it not available anymore. Did you change publisher? is this topic still in planing? if yes, when it release?

  • maxsurguy July 19, 2014  


    Yes I had to change the publisher, will be self publishing now. I will release some of the manuscript on this blog and will also release a book on Leanpub as soon as I can. It’s a lot of work now to change the format from Word to markdown but I’ve started the process already. Can’t give you an estimate right now but if you subscribe to my list I’ll be able to keep you updated.

  • Sathit Chaiwiwattrakul July 19, 2014  

    Thanks for the update, I have followed this book for a long time and look forward to seeing the actual book soon 🙂

  • maxsurguy July 19, 2014  

    Awesome! I’ll try my best to do this quickly!

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