7 javascript plugins to code your own online presentations
If you ever need to quickly make a presentation but hate or don’t have Powerpoint – try out these tools that allow you to quickly make your own presentations that work on almost any browser:
http://lab.hakim.se/reveal-js/ (Comes with a nice service for editing presentations – RVL.io)
http://bartaz.github.com/impress.js (There is also a CDN for it : http://impressjscdn.com/#/cdn )
RT @msurguy: 7 javascript plugins to code your own online presentations , Reveal.js, Seuence.js, Zoomooz, Impress.js, etc http://t.co/50 …
RT @msurguy: 7 javascript plugins to code your own online presentations , Reveal.js, Seuence.js, Zoomooz, Impress.js, etc http://t.co/50 …
@msurguy speaking of impress.js… http://t.co/V3JObjKW