Since a lot of people come to this blog searching for the answer if Laravel is better than Ruby on Rails, I will post a short biased comparison of the two, and I will tell why they shouldn’t be compared. I had started developing web applications about two years ago in one of my classes […]
Oh dear God. “A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed” Bible. Proverbs 11:25 My newest creation built with Laravel – just spread like fire throughout the Twitterverse and internet in general. On the third day of its existence it got 15000 unique visitors, close to a thousand of Re-tweets, hundreds of […]
Today I am announcing my new creation made with Laravel PHP framework : What is is a gallery of UI elements and snipptes for web designers and web developers, anybody who is using Twitter Bootstrap will find Bootsnipp essential in their craft. Here are some screenshots of that I built in Laravel over […]
This is a quick post for those who use Sublime Text 2 as their editor. There are lots of useful shortcuts that you can use while developing your next big application. A nice summary of most useful of them is in this Github gist: And here you can download a printable sheet of most […]
I am taking a little break from writing my “Make a Blog in Laravel” tutorial, i feel like majority of information is already there, just will need some more examples of deployment and what to accomplish next. Today I will write about how to make deployment of Laravel applications quicker, how to develop with Laravel […]
Hello there, fellow Laravelians! In the Previous Tutorial we have learned how to create models and routes for our Blog application. In this tutorial I will explain how we will make the screens that the user sees, also called “Views”. While creating views for our blog, we will learn how to use Laravel’s Blade templating […]
Hi there and welcome to the next Laravel tutorial! In this tutorial we will be learning how Models and Routes are created in Laravel to get closer to our goal of a simple functional blog. If you are new here, head over to part 1 of the tutorials In the previous tutorial we have learned […]
In the previous tutorial we went through the thinking process behind database design and defined our data and how it is related to each other. We’ve learned how to break things apart in smaller pieces and how to relate data to each other. In this tutorial we will do the actual coding and create our […]
In this Laravel tutorial I will explain how to design the database for Laravel and how to think of relationships between the data.
Welcome to part 2 of Tutorial on how to create a simple blog using Laravel PHP Framework! If you haven’t seen part 1, here it is : Creating a blog Tutorial part 1 Also, sign up for my Laravel Development course on Udemy! Ok, now onto the tutorial: I don’t like majority of tutorials on […]
Hello there, fellow Laravelians! Over the next few days I will be writing up a tutorial about making a simple blog using Laravel PHP framework, if you want to be subscribed and not miss out on the Laravel tutorials, subscribe to my Udemy course where I teach about Laravel and design process when making Web […]
My Screencasts on how to deploy Laravel PHP Framework