A short essay by Maks Surguy, technology enthusiast. Since my childhood I was really into technology. I built my own FM transmitters, robots, RC airplanes and other toys. I have been getting into 3D printing lately and this past month made me realize that there is basically no limit to technology and business opportunities that arise […]
A couple months ago I was playing with my Arduino Uno and I was wondering, what is the smallest Arduino that I could find these days? So fast forward, I am holding Femtoduino, smallest Arduino that I was able to find without braking my budget. What is Femtoduino? It is VERY small Arduino compatible board […]
This week I was playing with one of my toys – Syma S107G R/C Helicopter and a 808 Car Key Chain Spy Camera Recorder 720*480 and I put together a small video that shows how much fun it could be, check it out below: The whole setup could be purchased for 25$ if you shop around! […]
For those of you who haven’t been following this blog – I am posting a short series of tutorials that guide you through creating a simple API in Laravel 3 and integrating it with a client application – in this case TodoMVC BackboneJS application (see screenshot below). Part 1 of the tutorial is here : https://maxoffsky.com/code-blog/building-restful-api-in-laravel-start-here/ […]
In the previous tutorial (https://maxoffsky.com/code-blog/building-restful-api-in-laravel-start-here/) I shared the basics of RESTful controller structure and a route that we will need to build a RESTful web application. As promised, in this tutorial we will explore how exactly to make our API work with our data. We will explore a simple Todo list application as and example. […]
Bootsnipp is now in top 70,000 websites worldwide according to Alexa ratings (third month of Bootsnipp’s existence) : I can’t disclose all analytics but I’d like to share how I manage to run Bootsnipp, even when there is a huge load. Bootsnipp isn’t very demanding PHP application built with Laravel PHP framework but basically all of […]
Ever wanted to open a folder in Sublime Text 2 from right click menu in Finder? Here is how to do that with Automator (Mac OS): Launch Automator Choose Service, Choos Files or Folders in the dropdown menu “Service Receives” Search for Open Finder Items in the search bar and drag it into the workflow […]
Here’s something I made for fun a couple months ago and I need to make it again soon so I’m posting schematics and Source code for anyone to download and make their own fun toy with Arduino. Parts list: Arduino Uno Original Wii Nunchuck Nunchuk to Arduino adapter (link below) Laser pointer 2 mini Servos […]
If you ever need to quickly make a presentation but hate or don’t have Powerpoint – try out these tools that allow you to quickly make your own presentations that work on almost any browser: http://lab.hakim.se/reveal-js/ (Comes with a nice service for editing presentations – RVL.io) http://bartaz.github.com/impress.js (There is also a CDN for it : […]
Hi friends! As you might know, I really like Laravel PHP framework and I love telling others about it. I built http://bootsnipp.com from scratch in 4 days with Laravel and want others to get to know such great framework. I have finished creating my Laravel course on Udemy and I decided to give every one of my […]
Check out this Context Menu plugin : https://github.com/sydcanem/bootstrap-contextmenu It provides a right click (context) menu with Bootstrap styles and dropdown, very useful for web apps Here is a working demo: I have added this to a growing Bootstrap Resources collection at http://bootsnipp.com/resources Enjoy!